Residential Rest and Care Homes

All residential rest and care homes conduct a fire evacuation drill at least once a year and record the results in a fire safety plan by the 'Responsible Person' but it can help to have at least one professionally organised drill which can spot issues with the evacuation plan and recommend improvements. At Fire Safety Sussex, we cover pre-planning and every aspect of evacuation procedures.

Fire Safety Sussex cover every aspect of horizontal and vertical phased evacuations and, naturally, this involves the use of evacuation mats, sledges and chairs.

Naturally, an emergency at night, in a care home, will throw up a wide range of issues normally lower staffing levels and those concerning the more vulnerable. Imagine a situation where families are visiting the elderly and infirm at Christmas for example. There may be visitors unfamiliar with the premises, patients suffering with dementia and small children, a higher fire loading which may include Christmas trees, lights, displays, cards and presents. The responsible person and staff have to be aware of every possible risk and scenario.

Fire Safety Sussex offer advice and training on

PEEPs - a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan, a bespoke escape plan for individuals who may not be able to reach an ultimate place of safety unaided or within a satisfactory period of time in the event of any emergency. PEEPs may be required for staff with mobility impairments. GEEPs are a general emergency evacuation plan.

In addition we look at signage, cooking facilities, alarms, fire extinguishers and escape routes. We take into account sleeping arrangements and the type of residents and their varying requirements, and wider issues like the information necessary for the fire service, salvage and childcare.

Fire Safety Sussex offer exhaustive and comprehensive advice on how to cater for:

  • Carry down procedures
  • People with cognitive disabilities
  • Hearing impaired and deaf people
  • Visually impaired and blind people
  • Mobility impaired people

If you are concerned about whether or not you comply to the Fire Safety standards of practice, call Fire Safety Sussex now on 07925 389539 for a FREE consultation or to make an appointment.


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