Retail and Leisure

Retail and leisure can present a different set of issues in the case of an emergency (consider special and one-off events, seasonal displays such as Christmas and the accumulation of packaging/rubbish for example). Special events can present unexpected issues relating to people management and different types of evacuation procedures. 

Within retail, there are occasions like book signings or promotions that see shops that are normally designed for browsing become live music venues or have additional temporary displays. Similarly leisure centres often have a wide range of visitors who are not familiar with their surroundings.

What Fire Safety Sussex offer advice and training on

Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) are basic guidelines devised for facilities that employees need to follow when there is an emergency like the breakout of a fire or a power cut. These procedures are part of staff members' regular training and development and require regular drills.

Normal Operating Procedures (NOPs) are guidelines for all day-to-day requirements like the opening of the facility, turning on or off equipment and generally checking the facility. NOPs are guidelines for the day-to-day operating of a facility under normal conditions. 

Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) are required at every business with a certain number of employees (usually ten). It should detail step-by-step procedures to follow in emergencies such as fire, chemical spill, or a major accident. An emergency action plan also includes information such as whom to notify, who should do what, and location of emergency stocks.

In addition, we look at issues concerning areas like soft furnishings, stotage of cleaning materials under COSHH, glass safety, cooking facilities, stairwells, cabling, covering of fire signs and accumulation of packaging/waste. We also cover Emergency Measures for Dangerous Substances. 

In the event of an accident/incident or emergency related to a dangerous substance, the responsible person must ensure that information is available on the arrangements in place and includes:

  • Work hazards and hazard identification arrangements
  • Specific hazards likely to arise at the time of an accident, incident or emergency
  • Warning systems and communications systems to enable an appropriate response including the actions to take
  • Systems to enable people to withdraw before explosion conditions are reached
  • Facilities to enable escape from the danger area

We advise on the importance of maintenance so that facilities, equipment and devices are in place to protect people in the event of a fire and are maintained, fit for purpose, in good working order and in good repair.

If you are concerned about whether or not you comply to the Fire Safety standards of practice, call Fire Safety Sussex now on 07925 389539 for a FREE consultation or to make an appointment.

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